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Run Tough Mudder With Us

Tough Mudder

Come and join the David Jones Personal Training team and run the 5k Tough Mudder obstacle course with us on the 24th September 2022. It is a 5km run with 13 obstacles along the way and it is certainly a lot of fun. More details are available on Tough Mudder’s website, we hope to see you there!

Current clients will have their entries paid for them and all we ask is that you donate any sponsorship to a charity of your choice. Everyone is welcome to join, please get in touch if you would like to sign up!

The popularity of these events are only increasing so there has never been a better time to get involved. Whether you want to prove something to yourself or to someone else, completing a Tough Mudder run is a great way to do this. So once again, please do let us know if you want to sign up as it would be great to see as many of you there as possible.

Tough Mudder is an endurance event series in which participants attempt 10-to-12-mile-long (16 to 19 km) obstacle courses. It was co-founded by Will Dean and Guy Livingstone. The obstacles often play on common human fears, such as fire, water, electricity and heights. It is recognised a great way to test oneself and can be undertaken individually or in groups.