Your success is our success. Here is a selection or our client stories to give you an idea of how we can help.

Richard Green - Reigate

I've been training with Karl from David Jones PT for 2 months now and I am nothing but impressed with the guidance, training program that is tailored to my needs and expert advice. I have trained inconsistently over the last 25 years and gained a lot of weight during lock-down, developed bad lifestyle/dietary habits and always found excuses never to make the change. At 47, I was worried that my age might hinder muscle growth and the speed of which I could get stronger and fitter. My stomach was bloated, my flexibility was poor and chest sagged. A combination of overworking, poor sleep and daily sugar crashes was making all areas of my life difficult, but DJPT had the answers and I am getting measurable results. My first consultation was comprehensive and informative. Most PTs I have known over the years have huge gaps in their knowledge regarding diet, recovery, long term fitness planning etc. Karl has detailed answers to all my questions. What to eat, when to eat how much to eat - and why. Detailed breakdowns of correct, safe, optimum weight lifting techniques and managing how you might mentally feel as you take yourself through what might be an unfamiliar physical lifestyle transformation. Of course I could refer to 100 different books, but DJPT has done the reading for you. Within 2 months I have lost a 14lb, gained muscle mass and done this in a sustained comfortable way. My weekly sessions monitor all aspects of my progress, so I can measure the benefits of my work and remain motivated. The dietary, fitness and strength building program is first class. I have not been upsold any potions, powders or any type of supplement. All aspects of my personal circumstances have been considered in the advice I have been given. There are cheaper PTs, there are more expensive PTs but I have found Karl at DJPT good value for money and equally as importantly, an excellent use of time. A session is cheaper than 5 pints, a kebab and a fry-up in the morning. My 1-2-1 sessions are reasonably intense, efficient and very effective. I'm inspired and excited by the progress I have made in a relativity short space of time and would recommend Karl to anyone looking for a practical, tailored and achievable program that will save them days trawling the internet trying to work out what online fitness guru to follow and a fortune supplements/experimental workouts that risk injury or a lot of wasted time. In saying all this I do benefit from being motivated and reasonably well disciplined, so I am unclear if/how DJPT could help with that, but I hope to work with Karl for a long time as his advice and coaching has given me significant strength and fitness gains. I am more flexible, more agile and the belly is going!

Tony Woolford - Reigate

“I want to thank David for your help and support which enabled me to achieve my goals for both fitness and weight loss. I knew the trek in the Himalayas would be a challenge and it was essential that I achieved both of those objectives. Your encouragement to help me get to those targets was really important for me. Thanks for everything!” Since 2012 Tony has lost 20kg and improved his blood pressure to healthy levels. He has change is lifestyle so much that he has had medical reviews to reduce his medication. He has set himself up well for the start of his retirement.

Rome Bhamrw - Brighton

I rode Lands End to John O’Groats in 10 days. We had contrasting weather everything from beautiful sun shine to rain & hurricane conditions. The organisers made us ride an assent up Glenshee Ski Centre as the weather turned to a force 10 at 72 mph winds. We went through some dark moments as well as complete and utter joy. Thanks for getting me ready for this journey. Rome has also raced many time trails and sportives (including the South Downs Way) since we started working with him in 2014.

Rob Wood - Reigate

Earlier this year David helped me to achieve a lifelong personal goal of trekking to Everest Base Camp. Having established my starting level of fitness, he designed and delivered an intensive 5 week training program to improve my level of fitness, to lose weight, and to prepare me for the rigours of high-altitude trekking. Having successfully achieved that goal, David is now helping me to improve my cycling stamina in preparation for the Etape London sportive!

Lucy Williams - Haywards Heath

‘David helped me achieve qualification to the GB age group world and European duathlon championships and 10th in my age group at the World championships. But most importantly this year I have learnt more than anything about having fun and enjoying the process of competing - I have learnt to smile again in a big way. I hadn’t done that for a while. Much more important than any medal….’

Paul Townsend - Brighton

David, just wanted to say thank you for your advice and direction on my training plans. It all came together with a Silver at the National Road Race championships. I am really please with my silver medal considering this is my first national championships in cycling. I am already looking forward to next year!

Stuart Bunt - Reigate

It's clear when you talk to David about training that he knows his stuff. He puts a lot of knowledge and thought into his training sessions and it shows. The attention to detail and focus on key elements of my fitness helped me make massive improvements. Working with him has been very rewarding experience.

Steve Trussel

Having worked in the Fitness industry for 10 years and raced triathlons and marathons I decided to seek some specialist advice. I felt I would gain from a fresh perspective and some of David’s expert knowledge for a Sub 3hrs marathon attempt. David developed a complete, progressive 12 week programme specific to my needs and I ran PB’s for 10k, Half Marathon and Marathon distances

Ian Surrey

“After a twenty year competitive gap I was recommended by a close friend to contact David to support my return and what a return; PB’s for all my time trials and up to 3rd cat in 5 months!!!!! I would have used my outdated training techniques, more miles the better!! (I was a first cat rider before) but working with David and his incredible knowledge and understanding of my sport me to far exceed my goals.  His support enabled me to utilising every minute of my limited training time to the maximum”
If you are serious about your exercise or training and want to achieve then I cannot recommend his services highly enough….thanks David and I can’t wait for next season….”

Jean Hampshire

“I’ve been working with David for around 3 years now.  I’m currently training for the London Marathon and David’s knowledge, support and enthusiasm are fantastic.  He makes his sessions both enjoyable and challenging – whether we’re out running or in the gym. “

Dr Steve Kent

“I have been a regular attendee at David’s coached swimming sessions for several seasons. Each week is prepared to allow all of us to progressively warm up and then we have a high performance main set. For me this is some of the most effective swimming I ever do, in terms of physiological performance but also because small tweaks to style are emphasised. The lanes are not crowded, which makes for a quality set each and every week. Quite a wide range of abilities are covered, and the format of the sets allows for this very well.”

Vince - Home Counties

“David has been a great in helping me make a return to fitness after the life-threatening injuries I suffered. His all-round knowledge in physical and cardio-vascular endurance has helped me increase my range of movement, flexibility, core strength and stability. Thanks to his advice I have even run a PB marathon. David’s insight into the problems of traumatic brain injury means I would recommend him to others who have suffered severe head injuries.”

Dr Katherine Berkshire

“David has been my trainer for over two years and he has enabled me to perform way above my expectations!!! I started off a bit unsure about exercise, especially how to fit it into a pressured lifestyle generally but he persuaded me to take part in tri sprints. His expert knowledge and personalised training meant that I was really pleased with how I did and my confidence and enthusiasm leapt. Now I’m always thinking about what new challenge I want to do and am even training for a marathon. His approach is to always make the training varied so that you always feel that you are doing something new and maintains my enthusiasm and keeps me on track!! A superb trainer who always checks in with how you are finding the programmes and how they fitting in with your lifestyle and adjusts them to suit…I would never maintain my enthusiasm without his fantastic support.”

Lesley - Surrey

“Having undergone double knee surgery, and subsequent physiotherapy, I was fortunate enough to meet David as a personal trainer. He was recommended to me through the gym I attend as having the experience to help me regain knee function. He first assessed my current ability and then tailored a programme designed to build muscle strength and stability but without stressing the joints. Weekly sessions kept check on progress and allowed adaptations and increase in weights and repetitions to build stamina and strength. He also helped me to devise a programme of exercise to help maintain the progress when I could not attend the gym. As a ski instructor my knees come under considerable stress, but thanks to David’s help, within 6 weeks I was back in France, and coping with three hours of snow ploughing! I would highly recommend him to anyone recovering from injury (or who just want to get fit). I will definitely be using his expertise again.”

Nick Buckfield - Surrey Double Olympian – British Pole Vault Record Holder

“After retiring from 15 years of Olympic level professional sport, I was a little lost in what to do in the next chapter of my life and how to stay in shape! I could have stayed with the same way I trained for nearly 20 years but I needed new challenges, new prospective and new goals. I met David a few years ago and during many conversations he convinced me on trying a triathlon! I eventually decided why not and after competing in my first novice triathlon, I have now completed many sprint triathlons, an Olympic distance, a half ironman and hoping to finish 2013 having completed a full Ironman! None of this would have been possible without David’s knowledge, understanding and expertise. He constructed a well thought out and challenging program, which delivered every time I raced. He is always coming up with new ideas and challenges which keeps my training exciting and “far from run of the mill”.

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