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Core Circuit Workout

Core Circuit Workout

Short on time and want to get a quick workout in? Try this 30 minute core circuit workout that will be sure to get your abs feeling the burn! We have split this workout up into beginner, intermediate and advanced levels so if you are unsure on where to start, try our beginner level first and work your way up.

AMRAP (As Many Round As Possible) In 30 Minutes


10 Second Plank

10 x Leg Lifts

20 Second Plank

20 Sit Ups

30 Second Plank

30 Bicycle Kicks


…Continue to…

40 Second Plank

40 Toe Touches


…Continue to…

50 Second Plank

50 Reverse Crunches

60 Second Plank

60 Second Side Plank Pulse (30 each side)

At The End Of Each Circuit:

Rest for 2-3 minutes then repeat

Contact Us

If you found this core circuit workout useful and would like to know what else we have to offer, then please feel free to contact us today at David Jones Personal Training. We can then set up a meeting (Be it online or face-to-face) in order for us to better understand your goals and to explain how we can help you to achieve them. We hope to hear from you soon.